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Number of moves - 45
Meaning - Is a philosophical idea that man is the master of everything and decides everything, in other words, the idea that man is the master of the world and his own destiny. It is said that this idea was rooted in Baekdu Mountain which symbolizes the spirit of the Korean people. The diagram represents Baekdu Mountain.

Pattern Diagram

  • Ready Posture: Narani So Sang Yop Palkup

    1. Move the left foot to B forming a sitting stance toward D while executing a parallel block with the inner forearm.

    (Annun so anpalmok narani makgi)

    2. Execute a middle hooking block to D with the right palm while standing up toward D.

    (Sonbadak kaunde golcho makgi)

    3. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while forming a sitting stance toward D.

    (Annun so wen joomuk kaunde jirugi)

    4. Pull the right reverse footsword to the left knee joint forming a left one-leg stance toward D while executing a parallel block with the outer forearm.

    (Waebal so bakat palmok narani makgi)

    5. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A and then a high reverse hooking kick to B consecutively with the right foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 4.

    (Kaunde yopcha jirugi, orun nopunde bandae dollyo gorochagi)

    Perform in slow motion.

    6. Lower the right foot to B in a jumping motion to form a right X-stance toward F while executing a downward strike to B with the right back fist.

    (Twigi, orun kyocha so dung joomuk baro naeryo taerigi)

    7. Execute a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to F consecutively with the left foot while pulling both fists in front of the chest.

    (Kaunde golcho chagi, wen nopunde yopcha jirugi)

    8. Lower the left foot to F in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward B while executing a high outward cross-cut to F with the left flat finger tip.

    (Annun so wen opun sonkut nopunde bakuro ghutgi)

    9. Execute a right high elbow strike to BF pressing the right side fist with the left palm while forming a left walking stance toward BF.

    (Gunnun so nopun palkup bandae taerigi)

    10. Cross the left foot over the right foot to form a right X-stance toward B while executing a low front block to B with the left reverse knife-hand, bringing the right finger belly on the left back forearm.

    (Kyocha so sonkal dung najunde bandae ap makgi)

    11. Move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand.

    (Niunja so sonkal kaunde daebi makgi)

    12. Execute a mid-air strike to A with a left knife-hand while spinning counter clockwise and then land to A forming a right L-stance toward A with the left arm extended.

    (Sonkal twio dolymyo taerigi)

    13. Move the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a parallel block with the inner forearm.

    (Annun so anpalmok narani makgi)

    14. Execute a middle hooking block to D with the left palm while standing up toward D.

    (Sonbadak kaunde golcho makgi)

    15. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while forming a sitting stance toward D.

    (Annun so orun joomuk kaunde jirugi)

    16. Pull the left reverse footsword to the right knee joint forming a right one-leg stance toward D while executing a parallel block with the outer forearm.

    (Waebal so bakat palmok narani makgi)

    17. Execute a middle side piercing kick to B and then a high reverse hooking kick to A consecutively with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 16.

    (Kaunde yopcha jirugi, wen nopunde bandae dollyo gorochagi)

    Perform in slow motion.

    18. Lower the left foot to A in a jumping motion to form a left X-stance toward E while executing a downward strike to A with the left back fist.

    (Twigi, wen kyocha so dung joomuk baro naeryo taerigi)

    19. Execute a middle hooking kick and then a high side piercing kick to E consecutively with the right foot while pulling both fists in front of the chest.

    (Kaunde golcho chagi, orun nopunde yopcha jirugi)

    20. Lower the right foot to E in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a high outward cross-cut to E with the right flat finger tip.

    (Annun so orun opun sonkut nopunde bakuro ghutgi)

    21. Execute a left high elbow strike to AE pressing the left side fist with the right palm while forming a right walking stance toward AE.

    (Gunnun so nopun palkup bandae taerigi)

    22. Cross the right foot over the left foot to form a left X-stance toward A while executing a low front block to A with the right reverse knife-hand, bringing the left finger belly on the right back forearm.

    (Kyocha so sonkal dung najunde bandae ap makgi)

    23. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand.

    (Niunja so sonkal kaunde daebi makgi)

    24. Execute a mid-air strike to B with a right knife-hand while spinning clockwise and then land to B forming a left L-stance toward B with the right arm extended.

    (Sonkal twio dolmyo taerigi)

    25. Execute a pick-shape kick to B with the left foot and then lower it to B forming a right rear foot stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block with the forearm.

    (Gokaeng-i chagi, orun dwitbal so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    26. Bring the right foot to the left foot forming a close stance with a heaven hand toward D.

    (Moa so hanulson)

    Perform in slow motion.

    27. Slide to C to form a left rear foot stance toward D while executing a downward thrust with the right straight elbow.

    (Dwitbal so sun palkup bandae naeryo tulgi)

    28. Execute a high crescent strike with the left arc-hand while forming a right walking stance toward D, slipping the right foot.

    (Gunnun so bandal son nopunde bandae bandal taerigi)

    29. Slide to C to form a right rear foot stance toward D while executing a downward thrust with the left straight elbow.

    (Dwitbal so sun palkup bandae naeryo tulgi)

    30. Execute a high crescent strike with the right arc-hand while forming a left walking stance toward D, slipping the left foot.

    (Gunnun so bandal son nopunde bandae bandal taerigi)

    31. Move the left foot to C forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high inward strike to D with a twin knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sang sonkal nopunde anuro taerigi)

    32. Move the right foot to C forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a downward punch with the right fist.

    (Gunnun so bandae naeryo jirugi)

    33. Move the left foot to the side rear of the right foot and then slide to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a downward block with the left outer forearm.

    (Niunja so bakat palmok bandae naeryo makgi)

    34. Execute a dodging reverse turning kick to D with the right foot while flying away from D and then land to C to form a left L-stance toward D at the same time executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

    (Pihamyo bandae dollyo chagi, wen niunja so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    35. Move the right foot to the side rear of the left foot and then slide to C forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a downward block with the right outer forearm.

    (Niunja so bakat palmok bandae naeryo makgi)

    36. Execute a dodging reverse turning kick to D with the left foot while flying away from D and then land to C to form a right L-stance toward D at the same time executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

    (Pihamyo bandae dollyo chagi, orun niunja so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    37. Move the right foot to D and then the left foot to D then execute a flying two direction kick (twisting kick with the left foot, side piercing with the right foot) while flying to D.

    (Twimyo sangbang chagi,yop bituro chagi)

    38. Land to D to form a left diagonal stance toward D while executing a rising block with a twin palm.

    (Sasun so sang sonbadak chookyo makgi)

    39. Slide to D forming a right rear foot stance toward C while executing a side thrust to D with the right elbow.

    (Dwitbal so yop palkup tulgi)

    40. Turn the face to D while forming a right bending ready stance B toward C and then execute a middle back piercing kick to D with the left foot.

    (Guburyo junbi sogi B, wen kaunde dwitcha jirugi)

    Perform in slow motion.

    41. Lower the left foot to D in a stamping motion forming a right L-stance toward D at the same time executing a horizontal strike to D with the left back fist.

    (Niunja so dung joomuk bandae soopyong taerigi)

    42. Execute a high inward cross-cut to D with the right flat finger tip while forming a parallel stance toward D, pulling the right foot.

    (Narani so orun opun sonkut nopunde anuro ghutgi)

    43. Execute a front punch and an upset punch to D consecutively with the right fist while flying to D and then land to D forming a close stance toward D with the right fist extended.

    (Twimyo Yonsok jirugi - orun joomuk ap jirugi, orun joomuk dwijibo jirigi)

    44. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a front downward strike with the left knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal bandae ap naeryo taerigi)

    45. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.