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Number of moves - 45
Meaning - Is the pseudonym of Son Byong Hi, leader of the Korean independence movement on March 1, 1919. The 45 movements refer to his age when he changed the name Dong Hak (Oriental Culture) to Chondo Kyo (Heavenly Way Religion) in 1905. The diagram represents his indomitable spirit, displayed while dedicating himself to the prosperity of his nation.

Pattern Diagram

  • Ready Posture: Moa Junbi Sogi D

    1. Move the right foot to C forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a low inward block to D with the right knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal najunde bandae anuro makgi)

    2. Move the left foot to C forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high side block to D with the left outer forearm.

    (Gunnun so bakat palmok nopunde bandae yop makgi)

    3. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so kaunde jirugi)

    4. Execute a low twisting kick to D with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 3.

    (Najunde bituro chagi)

    5. Lower the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a downward block with an x-fist.

    (Gunnun so kyocha joomuk naeryo makgi)

    6. Execute a rising block with the right knife-hand, maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so sonkal bandae chookyo makgi)

    Perform 5 and 6 in a continuous motion.

    7. Jump to D, forming a right X-stance toward BD while executing a high side strike to D with the right back fist bringing the left finger belly to the right side fist.

    (Twigi, orun kyocha so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)

    8. Move the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the left fist.

    (Niunja so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    9. Execute a middle reverse turning kick to AC with the right foot.

    (Kaunde bandae dollyo chagi)

    10. Lower the right foot to C in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a middle side strike to C with the right knife-hand.

    (Annun so orun sonkal kaunde yop taerigi)

    11. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the left foot while turning clockwise pulling both hands in the opposite direction.

    (Kaunde yopcha jirugi)

    12. Lower the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a high crescent punch with the right fist.

    (Gunnun so nopunde bandae bandal jirugi)

    13. Execute a middle turning punch with the left fist while forming a parallel stance toward C pulling the right foot.

    (Narani so wen joomuk kaunde dollyo jirugi)

    Perform in slow motion.

    14. Move the left foot to D forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a low inward block with the left knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal najunde bandae anuro makgi)

    15. Move the right foot to D forming a left walking stance toward C at the same time executing a high side block to C with the right outer forearm.

    (Gunnun so bakat palmok nopunde bandae yop makgi)

    16. Execute a middle punch to C with the left fist while maintaining a left walking stance toward C.

    (Gunnun so kaunde jirugi)

    17. Execute a low twisting kick to C with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 16.

    (Najunde bituro chagi)

    18. Lower the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a downward block with an x-fist.

    (Gunnun so kyocha joomuk naeryo makgi)

    19. Execute a rising block with the left knife-hand while maintaining a right walking stance toward C.

    (Gunnun so sonkal bandae chookyo makgi)

    Perform 18 and 19 in a continuous motion.

    20. Jump to C forming a left X-stance toward BC while executing a high side strike to C with the left back fist and bringing the right finger belly to the left side fist.

    (Twigi, wen kyocha so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi)

    21. Move the right foot to D, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

    (Niunja so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    22. Execute a middle reverse turning kick to AD with the left foot.

    (Kaunde bandae dollyo chagi)

    23. Lower the left foot to D in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward A at the same time executing a middle side strike to D with a left knife-hand.

    (Annun so wen sonkal kaunde yop taerigi)

    24. Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the right foot while turning counter-clockwise pulling both hands in the opposite direction.

    (Kaunde yopcha jirugi)

    25. Lower the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high crescent punch with the left fist.

    (Gunnun so nopunde bandae bandal jirugi)

    26. Execute a middle turning punch with the right fist while forming a parallel stance toward D pulling the left foot.

    (Narani so orun joomuk kaunde dollyo jirugi)

    Perform in slow motion.

    27. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D at the same time executing a middle wedging block with a knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal kaunde hechyo makgi)

    28. Execute a circular block to BD with the left reverse knife-hand while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so sonkal dung dollimyo makgi)

    29. Execute a downward block with an alternate palm while forming a left rear foot stance toward D pulling the right foot.

    (Dwitbal so euhkallin sonbadak naeryo makgi)

    30. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while forming a left L-stance toward D slipping the right foot.

    (Niunja so kaunde baro jirugi)

    31. Execute a low inward block to D with the right reverse knife-hand while shifting to C maintaining a left L-stance toward D.

    (Niunja so sonkal dung najunde bandae anuro makgi)

    32. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle wedging block with a knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal kaunde hechyo makgi)

    33. Execute a circular block to AD with the right reverse knife-hand while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so sonkal dung dollimyo makgi)

    34. Execute a downward block with an alternate palm while forming a right rear foot stance toward D pulling left foot.

    (Dwitbal so euhkallin sonbadak naeryo makgi)

    35. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while forming a right L-stance toward D slipping the left foot.

    (Niunja so kaunde baro jirugi)

    36. Execute a low inward block to D with the left reverse knife-hand while shifting to C maintaining a right L-stance toward D.

    (Niunja so sonkal dung najunde bandae anuro makgi)

    37. Execute a high reverse turning kick to BD with the right foot.

    (Nopunde bandae dollyo chagi)

    38. Lower the right foot to D forming a left rear foot stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

    (Dwitbal so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    39. Execute a high reverse turning kick to AD with the left foot.

    (Nopunde bandae dollyo chagi)

    40. Lower the left foot to D forming a right rear foot stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

    (Dwitbal so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    41. Move the left foot to the side rear of the right foot and then the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a low outward block to D with the left knife-hand.

    (Niunja so sonkal najunde bandae makgi)

    42. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while forming a left walking stance toward D slipping the right foot.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    43. Move the left foot to C forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the right knifehand.

    (Niunja so sonkal najunde bandae makgi)

    44. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while forming a right walking stance toward D slipping the left foot.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    45. Execute a high punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so nopunde jirugi)

    END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture