Ge Baek

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Number of moves - 44
Meaning - Is named after Ge-Baek, a great general in the Baek Je Dynasty (660 A.D.). The diagram represents his severe and strict military discipline.

Pattern Diagram

  • Ready Posture: Narani Junbi Sogi

    1. Move the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a checking block to D with an X-knife-hand.

    (Niunja so kyocha sonkal momchau makgi)

    2. Execute a low twisting kick to D with the right foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 1.

    (Najunde bituro chagi)

    3. Lower the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

    (Gunnun so kaunde jirugi)

    4. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    Perform 3 and 4 in a fast motion.

    5. Move the right foot to C forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a rising block with the left forearm.

    (Gunnun so palmok chookyo makgi)

    6. Execute a low block to D with the left forearm while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so palmok najunde makgi)

    Perform 5 and 6 in a continuous motion.

    7. Execute a high block to AD with a double arc hand while looking through it maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so nopunde doo bandalson makgi)

    8. Turn the face toward D while forming a right bending ready stance A toward D.

    (Guburyo junbi sogi A)

    9. Lower the left foot to AD to form a sitting stance toward AC while executing a scooping block to AC with the left palm.

    (Annun so wen sonbadak duro makgi)

    10. Execute a middle punch to AC with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward AC.

    (Annun so orun joomuk kaunde jirugi)

    Perform 9 and 10 in a connecting motion.

    11. Execute a front strike to AC with the left back fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward AC.

    (Annun so wen dung joomuk ap taerigi)

    12. Move the right foot on line AB and then move the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with a knife-hand.

    (Niunja so sonkal kaunde daebi makgi)

    13. Execute a low side front snap kick to C with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 12.

    (Najunde yobap cha busigi)

    14. Lower the left foot to C forming a left low stance toward C while executing a high thrust to C with the left flat finger tip.

    (Nachuo so opun sonkut nopunde tulgi)

    15. Execute a high thrust to C with the right flat finger tip while maintaining a left low stance toward C.

    (Nachuo so opun sonkut nopunde bandae tulgi)

    16. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot while pulling both hands in the opposite direction.

    (Kaunde yopcha jirugi)

    17. Lower the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

    (Niunja so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    18. Move the right foot to D turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with the forearm.

    (Niunja so palmok kaunde daebi makgi)

    19. Move the left foot to D turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

    (Niunja so sonkal kaunde daebi makgi)

    20. Move the left foot on line CD to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a right 9-shape block.

    (Annun so orun gutja makgi)

    21. Move the right foot to D, turning counter-clockwise to form a left walking stance toward C while executing a low block to C with the left knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal najunde makgi)

    22. Execute a middle turning kick to BC with the right foot and then lower it to C.

    (Kaunde dollyo chagi)

    23. Execute a flying side piercing kick to C with the right foot.

    (Twimyo yopcha jirugi)

    Perform 22 and 23 in a fast motion.

    24. Land to C to form a right walking stance toward C while executing a high vertical punch to C with a twin fist.

    (Gunnun so sang joomuk nopunde sewo jirugi)

    25. Execute a high block to AC with a double arc-hand while looking through it maintaining a right walking stance toward C.

    (Gunnun so nopunde doo bandalson makgi)

    26. Execute an upset punch to C with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward C.

    (Gunnun so bandae dwijibo jirugi)

    27. Move the right foot on line CD, forming a left walking stance toward D while striking the left palm with the right front elbow.

    (Gunnun so ap palkup bandae taerigi)

    28. Jump to D, forming a right X-stance toward BD while executing a high block to D with the right double forearm.

    (Twigi, orun kyocha so doo palmok nopunde


    29. Move the left foot to BC to form a sitting stance toward BD, at the same time executing a scooping block to BD with the right palm.

    (Annun so orun sonbadak duro makgi)

    30. Execute a middle punch to BD with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward BD.

    (Annun so wen joomuk kaunde ap jirugi)

    Perform 29 and 30 in a connecting motion.

    31. Execute a front strike to BD with the right back fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward BD.

    (Annun so orun dung joomuk ap taerigi)

    32. Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C, at the same time executing a high front strike to C with the right reverse knife-hand.

    (Gunnun so sonkal dung nopunde bandae ap taerigi)

    33. Move the left foot to A about half a shoulder width while executing a middle turning kick to C with the right foot.

    (Kaunde dollyo chagi)

    34. Lower the right foot to C, and then turn counter-clockwise to form a left walking stance toward D, pivoting with the right foot while executing a high vertical punch to D with a twin fist.

    (Gunnun so sang joomuk nopunde sewo jirugi)

    35. Execute a middle punch to D with the right middle knuckle fist, bringing the left side first in front of the right shoulder while forming a right L-stance toward D pulling the left foot.

    (Niunja so joongji joomuk kaunde baro jirugi)

    36. Move the right foot to D to form a sitting stance toward B, at the same time executing left 9-shape block.

    (Annun so wen gutja makgi)

    37. Execute a low guarding block to C with a reverse knife-hand while maintaining a sitting stance toward B.

    (Annun so sonkal dung najunde C-bang daebi makgi)

    38. Execute a low guarding block to D with a knife-hand while maintaining a sitting stance toward B.

    (Annun so sonkal najunde D-bang daebi makgi)

    Perform 37 and 38 in a continuous motion.

    39. Move the left foot to D in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward A while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.

    (Annun so wen bakat palmok san makgi)

    40. Move the left foot to C in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance toward B while executing a W-shape block with the outer forearm.

    (Annun so wen bakat palmok san makgi)

    41. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a rising block with the right forearm.

    (Gunnun so palmok chookyo makgi)

    42. Execute a middle punch to C with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward C.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    43. Move the right foot on line CD forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a rising block with the left forearm.

    (Gunnun so palmok chookyo makgi)

    44. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

    (Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi)

    END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.