8th Gup Yellow Belt (Going for 7th Gup)

Patterns - Chon-Ji, Dan Gun

Set Sparring - 1, 2 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
3 Right walking stance obverse middle punch Left L stance, Outside knife hand guarding block Front leg Side kick (to the floating ribs)
Theory Questions
Who is Dan Gun? Dan Gun is named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year of 2,333 B.C.
How many moves are there in Dan Gun? 21
What motion is introduced in Dan Gun for the first time? Continuous motion
Recite the oath? I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do, I shall respect the instructor and seniors, I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do, I shall be a champion of freedom and justice, I shall build a more peaceful world
What is the blocking tool used in Chookyo Makgi Outer Forearm
What is the Korean for knife hand? Sonkal

Self Defence

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
1 Double handed neck strangle Under/over weave Knife hand strike to throat