2nd Gup Red Belt (Going for 1st Gup)

Patterns - Joong Gun, Toi Gye, Hwa Rang

Set Sparring - 1-8 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
9 Reverse turning kick Twin straight forearm checking block in sitting stance Inward reverse knife hand strike
Theory Questions
What is the pattern meaning for Hwarang? Is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty in the early 7th century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Taekwon-Do developed into its full maturity.
How many moves are there in Hwarang? 29
Which kick do we see performed for the first time in Hwarang? Turning Kick
What is the Korean for vertical stance? Dwit Bal Sogi
What is the Korean for upward punch? Gojung Sogi
Which line should your obverse L-stance punches go to? Center line

Self Defence - 1-6 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
7 Shoulder grab from the rear side Hand trap, backfist, shoulder lock with up and over Inward reverse knife hand strike

Power Test - Reverse punch

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