5th Gup Blue Stripe (Going for 4th Gup)

Patterns - Won Hyo, Yul Gok

Set Sparring - 1-5 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
6 Right front snap kick Left walking stance x fist pressing block Twin fist vertical punch
Theory Questions
What is the pattern meaning for Yul Gok? Is the pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi l (1536-1584) nicknamed the “Confucius of Korea”. The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on 38th degree latitude and the diagram represents scholar.
How many moves are there in Yul Gok? 38
Which two motions do we meet for the first time in Yul Gok? Connecting motion and Natural motion
What is the Korean for front elbow strike? Ap Palkup Taerigi
What is the Korean for palm hooking block? Sonbadak Golcho Makgi
What is the Korean for bending ready stance? Guburyo Junbi Sogi

Self Defence - 1-3 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
4 Haymaker punch Twin knifehand vertical block High elbow thrust

Power Test - Turning Kick

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