7th Gup Green Stripe (Going for 6th Gup)

Patterns - Dan Gun, Do San

Set Sparring - 1-2 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
4 Right walking stance obverse middle punch Left walking stance inner forearm obverse middle block High knife hand reverse inward strike
Theory Questions
What is the pattern meaning for Do San? Is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938).The 24 movements represent his entire life which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.
How many moves are there in Do San? 24
What motion is introduced in Do San for the first time? Fast motion
What does the colour green signify? Signifies the plants growth as the Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop
What is the Korean for front snap kick? Ap cha busigi
What is the Korean for sitting stance? Annun sogi

Self Defence - 1 and

Attacker Defender (block) Defender (counter)
2 Two handed arm grab as opponent is walking away Turn towards the attacker, perform an up and over release by grabbing your own hand Knife hand strike to throat

Power Test - Side kick