1st Gup Black Stripe (Going for 1st Degree)

Patterns - All 9 colour belt patterns

Set Sparring - a selection of three from 1-9 one new move will be made by the examiners ahead of your grading

Self Defence - a selection of three from 1-7 one new move will be made by the examiners ahead of your grading

Power Test - One ground and one flying break

Free Sparring

Grade Sparring

Special event - you will be required to demonstrate a special element in front of the examiners. This can be anything you think you particularly excel at such flying techniques, breaking, or pre-arranged sparring. The aim is for you to show us what you can do. We want to be wowed.

Theory - You will be required to write a thesis on the topic of “Why I started Taekwon-Do”. These will be read and marked. You will be required to write down all the moves of Chong Moo in Korean, and obviously understand the purpose and meaning of each move. You will be asked questions by a member of the examining panel on any aspect of Taekwondo that is covered in the handbook. Particular attention should be paid to the training secrets, the theory of power and the sine wave.